Sunday, November 30, 2008

Paid Off My Streetglide

Whoo hoo, I made my final payment on my Streetglide this week. When I sold my Softail I was going to put the money towards my 2006 Streetglide but since the interest rate was just 5.5 percent on the loan I decided to use the money to add to the down payment on my Minnesota House For Rent. This might not have been such a great idea as I hate making payments and it really makes owning my Streetglide less interesting. Now that my Harley is paid off it will be alot more fun owning and riding it without making a $380 a month payment each month. Now I just have to pay off my truck and mortgage on my primary and rental house to be payment free. A long goal I know but clearing the debt on the Streetglide really moves me closer to that goal.


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